Drupal Iberia 2024

Yesterday we arrived at DrupalCamp Iberia in Portugal. As seasoned pros with over 15 years of experience in Drupal, we’re here not just to deepen our already extensive knowledge, but also to stay updated on the latest trends and innovations within the platform.

Over these two intense days, we’ll be diving deep into discussions, workshops, and talks covering everything from advanced technical features to strategies for maximizing website efficiency and user experience. As a web agency specializing in Drupal, it’s crucial for us to stay at the forefront of the latest developments within the platform.

We’re convinced of Drupal’s potential and versatility in creating dynamic and tailored web solutions that meet our clients’ unique needs. With over a decade of experience under our belt, we’re looking forward to not only sharing our insights but also learning from other industry experts and exchanging experiences.

DrupalCamp Iberia isn’t just a place for learning; it’s also an opportunity to strengthen our existing relationships within the Drupal community and forge new collaborations for future projects. We take pride in our long history with Drupal and look forward to continuing to deliver innovative and high-quality web solutions to our clients using the latest tools and techniques within the platform.